Which Books…

Which Books…

I am starting a new blog series called which books…

My first guest will be my fellow debut Helen Bridgett whose second book will be out tomorrow!

So here we go…

Which book do you wish you’d written. profile pic HB

Oh – any book that has sold millions then has been adapted for TV and film! It would be lovely to develop something that appealed to so many people and of course the money would come in very handy!

Which book cover have you looked at and gone that’s amazing.

I did like the red tipped pages of The Seven Lives of Evelyn Hardcastle – couldn’t stop stroking them!!

Which book character/s would you protect from the world.

I always wanted to know that Mouse from The Tales of the City series was okay and I’m currently reading Where The Crawdads Sing so I’d like to protect Kya – I don’t know what happens to her yet.

Which was the last book that broke your heart.

The only one I remember breaking my heart was Germinal by Emile Zola – it’s a pretty bleak depiction of 19th century France and the plight of the working classes. Not a cheery read by any stretch of the imagination!

Which book would you make children read.

As I loved Enid Blyton I’d say her books and The Wishing Chair and Faraway Tree are fabulous for young imaginations.

Which book would you rewrite in a different genre.

That’s a really difficult question! How about the Bridgerton series as Sci-Fi where all the handsome Dukes are actually aliens!

If you could write any genre which one would it be.

I’ve written both Rom-Com and psychological thriller now and over the course of 2021, I’ll be releasing more books in these genres. However – historical fiction does appeal as I do enjoy researching my novels so perhaps I’ll look into that.

If you could redesign any book cover which one would you choose.

I’m really not a designer so will have to pass on this one. I do know that covers are so important in attracting readers so the designers have a really important job and I applaud their skills.

Which book taught you the largest lesson about life.

There’s a line from a Barbara Kingsolver book that always sticks in my mind  

“It’s the one thing we never quite get over. That we contain our own future.” 

I think it might be from Flight Behaviour. I love her books and this stood out.

Which three books would you take on holiday in 2021.

Oh gosh – I am hoping that a holiday will be possible soon but can’t guess which books I’ll take until I know where or when we’ll be going!  Will it be something sunny or Christmassy? Who knows? Meanwhile, I’ll stick to my reading corner at home and pretend I’m on holiday – I just need to mix a cocktail for the full effect!

516iJL3c4rLWhen practising what you preach is easier said than done …

Professor Maxie Reddick has her reasons for being sceptical of traditional policing methods, but, in between her criminology lecturing job and her Criminal Thoughts podcast, she stays firmly on the side lines of the crime solving world.

Then a young woman is brutally attacked, and suddenly it’s essential that Maxie turns her words into actions; this is no longer an academic exercise – this is somebody’s life.

But as she delves deeper, the case takes a sickening turn, which leads Maxie to the horrifying realisation that the attack might not have been a one-off. It seems there’s a depraved individual out there seeking revenge, and they’ll stop at nothing to get it … little by little … one by one




You can keep up with all things Helen Bridgett related

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Check out my Meet The Family post with Helen HERE!



Happy IWSG!


Lots of excitement last month of the book front, I had some super positive feedback from a publisher that made me SUPER Excited and happy.

Book 2 has kinda picked up and kind of not, which has been a bit of a struggle trying to get motivated with it.

Yesterday I spent the day writing what my main character’s conflicts are… Which I am not sure whether it will help or not… So if anyone else can think of ways to motivate me to move on with book 2 I’m looking forward to hearing from you x

Which leads into this months question:

If you could use a wish to help you write just one scene/chapter of your book, which one would it be?

I think right now my wish would be for me to find direction and help in regards to book2 what I am doing and where it’s going.

I hope everyone else is doing okay….

Thanks as always goes to to Alex Cavanaugh and his super team make sure we are all sticking to the rules and keeping IWSG going! Why don’t you pop along and join the blog hop! 

Happy Insecure Writers Day! #IWSG @TheIWSG


How quick does the first Wednesday in the month come round? At least I am not ill this time!

So where are we with my writing.

I sent New Beginnings out to agents and publishers and got a little bit excited when one of them asked to read my full manuscript. So I am more or less pressing send and receive all the time! I hate how long it takes for publishers and agents to respond!

While walking the dog yesterday I found myself day dreaming about my book launch… I am also going to an event tonight and meeting some authors and also a lady that I’ve sent New Beginnings to directly. I am really not sure how what your supposed to do in these situations, other than scream have you read my WIP, will you publish it! ALSO there, there is going to be another author whose books I love! OMG it’s crazy kinda stupid.

I am also back to writing again, so novel 2 is on its way i’ve been writing this differently I have been writing scenes and not the novel from beginning to end like I wrote New Beginnings. It has all the character’s in it from my first novel so all a bit exciting there.

Anyway enough of my rambling, on to the question of the month.

Whose perspective do you like to write from best, the hero (protagonist) or the villain (antagonist)? And why?

I guess in New Beginnings I write in the “hero’s” POV partly because as I wrote it I didn’t know who had done it or why they’d done it. In this one again it’s probably from the hero’s again.

I am not sure how I would even go about writing from the villain’s pov…. food for thought.

Thanks as always goes to to Alex Cavanaugh and his super team make sure we are all sticking to the rules and keeping IWSG going! Why don’t you pop along and join the blog hop! 


Rocky Road to Success


So I have started to submit my novel to agents and publishers alike and truth be known I am kinda finding it stressful and it’s making me very MANIC!

After I entered that first competition and was like yeah here we go, I think it’s kinda a come down. I know it’s only since the 19th April when I started which isn’t even a month ago! I had this great idea of I would submit 5 of each and then wait till they all reject me and then try another five. But that idea has kinda gone out of the window. As I keep finding people to submit to, never mind whether they were on my list or not. I have also been trying to find people who are already publishing what I write….

I have had two rejections for agents and one rejection from a publisher out of the 12 (as of yesterday) I had sent out.

Book two woe’s continue, as I try and find information on immigration and asylum and try and find people to speak to. One person I had to defend my character to! As she wasn’t willing to help because she didn’t want my readers to think that people came to England to traffic drug. Needless to say I haven’t heard from said charity again! Though I have a great friend who is a social worker and she has been answering my general questions. You know what I think I need to just WRITE! and worry about getting it correct later!

I hope everyone else out there is doing okay 🙂

yours as always


bored britney spears GIF-source

Book Two ;)

When a dead body is found washed up in the river Trent, DI Chris Jackson and his new partner DS Jennifer Garner are called to investigate. What seems like an open and shut suicide case, suddenly becomes more complex when the team are made aware of a boy who was found on the same night wondering the streets of Nottingham. The case becomes more complex and DS Garner begins to question one of her past cases and wonders if everything did end or did she miss a huge part of the jigsaw?

From the best seller author of New Beginnings comes a tale of murder, prostitution and the things we do for love.