
So it’s Sunday and I have already done my stunt on the Park from Junior parkrun, I think Parkrun for the kids is such a good thing, everyone is so supportive of the kid in last place that I bet isn’t seen in adult parkrun… So there goes any chance of me starting running again. But going on from this my legs are bad again so maybe running isn’t such a good idea.. Something about not over doing it (haha)


I have also seen something about a mentoring scheme by one of the authors that I like, did I mention this the other day? Mentoring I really have no idea where to start in my application! I am probably going to submit the first bit of my current story but then I’ve got to come up with 500 words of why I want said person to mentor me arg!!!!

Talking of my story I wrote some about the autopsy last night. I am still struggling with the bit of getting the dead bodies ID out there. There is a forum that I am on for writing and they have suggested things, but they don’t sound right or feel right… My MC is ex MI5 and has lived a “normal” life since she left so why would she be keen in investigate the body!? She has a new life, name etc.. Who ever said this writing stuff was easy!

As for everyone elses favorite subject, my legs are bad which I guess the cold doesn’t help, says she who stood in the middle of a field at parkrun in the cold! Maybe I need to get some of those tight things to go under my trousers! Leggins lol! Or possible tights… But I don’t get on with tights! arg. My head went horrible yesterday with the whole not knowing what I was doing, in almost tears in the supermarket, I said to the kids can you behavior in Aldi or do we need to leave it and go home!? and I couldn’t cope with cooking dinner 😦 #MSSUCKS We shall see what this week brings but I am trying do hard not to be written off work again!

It’s in his DNA…

More song lyrics possibly

Author problems 101

  • If you are an MI5 officer is your DNA and / or finger prints kept on a database somewhere?
  • At that point the door to the meeting room open and an attractive female walked through in a brown trouser suit and heals as high as ***
  • researching autopsy and end up looking at mortuary jobs instead
  • Having to write a list of your character so you don’t get lost somewhere
  • wanting / chasing sleep

I don’t know if you saw but there is a chance to be mentored by one of the authors I like! I’ve got to submit 500 words on why and 1000 word piece of writing. So I’ve got my work cut out there and will need to find someone / people to read what I want to submit..