The Inspection – Flash Fiction


Copyright Victor and Sarah Potter

So we failed, she turns up on our doorstep, unannounced in her white gloves and all to high standards, walks into the kitchen and what was hanging from the light?

“You wouldn’t believe how quick spider’s build their webs.”

I keep telling her and…

“We just have a high inhabits of eight legged friends,”

but she just laughs.

It doesn’t help that her perfect son is scared of them anyway, so three guesses who gets to capture the damn things?

Bloody perfect up bring and boarding school education and he is scared of spiders where did I find this loon?


I wanted to get in as soon as possible for Friday Fictioners as I keep missing it otherwise. Thanks as always to Rochelle who forever is managing to find these pictures to inspire us into writing something in 100 words.

Today has been a shite kinda MS day, including failing asleep at my desk and coming home and seemingly sleeping loads that I decided I had better get up and do something!

Lots of positives in my writing journey, so if another has nothing better to do, I have 10,000 words I could do with someone dictating!



Why is Writing so Damn Expensive!?

So my wondering into the writing market isn’t going well! You’d of thought that when all you need is your laptop and your imagination you are on a roll, but no.

I joined a critique site after advice from someone and after the initial excitement and then again when people look at it again my 2nd draft has now faded as I attempt to post my third piece to be told, that unless I join and pay to be a member that’s it unless I delate something. Paying to join this site won’t get my work read any quicker and that seems to take at least 4 days to make it to the top of the queue. So thats $65 a year (£50 ish)

Then there are the writing courses, the current one I am attending is going to cost £70 per six week block. The Derby book festival I went to cost me £21.00 to see the three people I was most interested in seeing and the East Midlands writing thing cost me £50. While I write this I am a bit like I hope my hubby doesn’t read this 😛

Then it’s like being at uni there are a whole host of books people recommend you buy… But which one is the best so we will add about £10.00 onto here at least.

so thats £191 at least so far… Nevermind my the software I brought (Scrivner) the dictation package I’ve not really got on with cause my brain doesn’t work fast enough..

Sometimes I sit here and look at these £200 plus retreats and thing would this be a quicker and cheaper way to get success. Or do I just need to keep in my case paying out in hope I might get somewhere….

Then as we are always told at work time cost money! It also costs my heath and my children’s attention when I want to write, or upload something to a website in order to get feedback. But first I need to critique other people’s work… Then there is the networking, for me at the moment mine is all social media related. But then what happens when I need to go wider?

So thats travel and cars don’t run on fresh air.

Then I dread to think about the added cost that comes with trying to get published! I listen to other authors talk and I don’t have the confidence anymore to just go up to people and start talking to them. I need people to be aware of my existence first.

As you can tell I am a bit rumpy this morning well frustrated, having just had two weeks (three weeks) off sic which I could of spent writing the sun is out again and likely to zap. my energy as soon as I walk out the house. Plus the cat was moaning early this morning prior to six, but by the time I got up to sort her it was after and I concluded having to get up at 7, I am going to fell worse if I try and go back to sleep than I am if I get up! PLUS, I wouldn’t have slept properly anyway with knowing I had to get up in 45 minutes!

Anyway enough from me, time to get the little people up and go to work!!!! Hope everyone has a fun day!

But why is writing so expensive!?




MS – When Sleeping Becomes More Important!

Bad day yesterday!


I got up showered, drank hot chocolate, made it to the bus and I was almost in Nottingham and I was like I feel like shit! I need to go back to bed.

Making it into work, I did the “morning” thing, got to my desk to be asked how my heath was and I was like I’m undecided. To cut a long story short I then ended up coming home and an hour after I arrived back at work I slept! urg! More or less spending most of yesterday in bed asleep! Which means this morning I had to get out of bed as I don’t think I an possibly sleep much more. Though I am sat here now thinking I could go back..

I’ve done the hot chocolate thing this morning and about to take my tablets! I was going to do some of my story but staring at it like i’m not interested! I’ve got a course to go on at midday in Nottingham about twitter and in the silence of the ticking of the clock I want to sleep again.

So once again my stupid heath is against me and all I want to do is sleep!

MS Sucks

I am once again experiencing issues 😦

I wish I could get you guys to feel what it feels like when you just stare at a computer and don’t actually know wtf you are doing?

I was sat at work today trying to concentrate on what ever it was and I just spent half the time staring at it and the other time closing my eyes tightly in hope it would seem clearier when I opened them. I could stare into space for hours I am not avoiding work (I gave up and came home around 3) I just generally don’t know wtf I am doing! The feeling of utter confusion yet I should know what I am doing, except someones moved the information and I can’t locate the answer.

My arms ache and all I want to do is sleep!

Please if you could restore all the information in my head I’d be grateful!

HAHA and the best bit, there is bugger all the medical profession will do about it as it’s not deemed to be disabling enough…

It’s at this time the songs always come to my mind “fight the good fight” Our Lady Peace “hobloo” Muse

Anyone wants me I am probably curled up in a little ball somewhere crying!

Goals and Aspirations

So this weekends goal is to get my application for The WoMentoring Project submitted! I asked my creative writing tutor to help me well check over a piece of work for me and I haven’t heard anything since! So I moved on to my husband who “has to be in the mood” and says he will look at it later! When I make my first million I will share it with him later 😛 so as always I am having to wait on the edge of glory.

I am yet to make it to #parkrun how do people get up on a Saturday morning after working all week!? Then do it again on a Sunday? I’m usually exhausted by Saturday. So I am struggling with that 90 day goal! Though we are yet to make it to renewals! So maybe there is hope yet and I need to make a start on insurance revision which is due to start on January 1st…


I’ve got to make dinner shortly and sleep sounds like a plan, but after junior #parkrun I did spend the rest of the morning plus in bed!!!

If anyone wants me I might possibly be asleep, cooking or on the edge of glory!


Still with the dead body

Life got in the way yesterday so I didn’t get chance to blog, but nothing was really missed I tried to write some more while watching the Apprentice! So you can guess how much I got done. I’ve still not been out to take photos! I am in a bit of a muddle over who would turn up at a crime scene from “Long Eaton” police office. I am in two minds whether to just walk into the police station tomorrow, but then I thought about emailing a CPO?

Though then again I am typing this as I watch Criminal Minds!

I did manage to write some while at work today haha while waiting for the systems to work. But I think I am getting hung up on the venue and the view around where the “body” is found instead of concentrating on the story. But I sorta feel I need to work out who works at the Long Eaton station!? But at the same time does it matter if I invent some detectives that work in Long Eaton? As the story isn’t about the local police force as such it can’t matter if I have got the right number of police officers in the right place??

Nevermind the issues with forensics and getting that right! haha maybe I should concentrate on insurance!?

Health has been better I guess but that might be because I did a lot of sleeping yesterday 🙂 🙂 🙂 my legs are still “painful” Andrew suggested seeing if the drs would put me on something for the winter months!? But I guess for as long as I can “cope with it” and it doesn’t effect work then…

Week three

So at creative writing today, we did a mixture of things, we talked about openings of a story / good and bad and discussed why we had chosen the opening we did. I chose J M Hewitt’s Exclusion Zone and the first page on my kindle. I said that I liked it as I know / knew nothing about Chernobyl (including how to spell it) but the beginning of the book drew me in and I wanted to learn more. There was also some positive comments from the others in my “group” so that will be two extra sales for her.  They also asked me if I had read any of her other stuff which to date I sadly haven’t (too many books on my amazon wish list and not enough journey’s to work) The other two ladies had Career of Evil by Ronald Galbraith and The Forgotten Seamstress by Liz Trenow. Both sounded good and interesting from the first page, but now I have reached Amazon the second one doesn’t look as appealing.

I know that when I start to read a book, I usually go further than the first page when I decide whether I am interested or not, a book by Mark Billingham I gave up after 54%!!! So I think I probably give it a good go at least.

But the worry I now have is, is the first page of what I am trying to write any good? AH!

We also did some writing promotes, where I had to write down five words about my weekend (children, husband, parties, exhaustion and blogging) he then went round and got everyone’s answers. We then had to write a short piece using a mixture of the words from other people 5 word weekend.

The problem I find is that the class is for two hours and it’s just not long enough 😦 I’d of love to have read my bit on the Poppy I wrote last week but as there is more than me in the class other people have to have the chance to read. Though the good news is that we might be able to extend the course past the four week block 🙂 which will be good.

As for my heath I was okay up until about 2pm when I decided I need / wanted to sleep but alas here I am still having not made it back to bed yet.

Work tomorrow, so no late night for me.